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This would make Bowie guilty, ethically if not legally, of statutory rape. So even with Mattix agreeing and desiring to have sex with Bowie, her age removes her legal ability to consent. But, as told in the Thrillist piece, Mattix was a minor and Bowie was not. Mattix’s stories of her groupie years, deflowering, and age have varied over the years ~ which is not stated here to cast doubt on her claims, but to point out that she clearly hasn’t viewed her sexual activities with Bowie (or others) to be rape or anything remotely close to it. Even when Thrillist reporter Michael Kaplan pressed her about it, she seemed dreamily happy, gushing, “Who wouldn’t want to lose their virginity to David Bowie?” Last November, in an interview at the Thrillist, the adult Mattix seemed fine about it. It wasn’t until David Bowie passed that I heard about how he had slept with an underage girl.Īt the age of 15, Lori Mattix was a self-described groupie in the 70s ~ a groupie who lost her virginity to David Bowie.

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